

A male bird attempts to attract a female bird. He has spectacular emerald-blue feathers beneath his beak and atop his head. He puts his face directly before hers and fans out his feathers towards her. She is impressed. He goes behind her and begins to flap. A small pink wet penis comes out and he flaps his wings while falling onto/into her. The End.


Demon and creature/man/individual

A mobile home party. A rather large space. Still a mobile and still confined none the less. Cooked delicacies and sweet fruits all abound. Mead runs from one of the many taps. Beer is also widely available. Friends barbecue outside beneath the windows. There was much gaiety. Soon another friend shows up. It is Bey. When I look upon him though, he does not seem to be who he claims. At his side he carries a case. He calls every one's attention and begins to tell them to come and join him. Everyone is elated to do so. I am not. I hesitate and remain. Bey's skin rips apart and his true form is shown: an evil demon. He is a red cloud with a floating emoticon face. He looks a great deal like the red ghost from PAC-man. The demon expands his body, like a great balloon he grows and swallows up space all around. All who went near and close to him were overwhelmed by the red bomb. I run to the bathroom and lock the door. In through the mail slot in the center of the door, the red windbag pushes. I look for something to puncture him, grab a bobby pin, bend it, and force it into its stomach. Nothing happens. I push and push, but it is like pushing into a canvas sheet that already has holes through which small objects can pass. I am consumed and all becomes dark.

I wake up in the cabinet where the beer kegs and mead is held. I climb out and find everything as normal. The party still continues. People are enjoying themselves. I shake off the vision and go to cut a pineapple. As I turn around I see Bey enter carrying a small case at his side. This is not Bey. He calls everyone over as before, but this time he sets down the case. I walk up and peer in to it. There is a mahogany rectangular box with a black square hook coming out of one side. In side this box, there are a couple pieces of chalk. Beside the box are three playing cards, one of which is a face card (the other two merely numbers). A chalk outline has been drawn of the three cards as though they were to be found in a solitaire pile. And lastly, a 5X4 number board:

- 3 - - 4
- - 5 - -
9 - - - -

I refuse to stick around and I go out of the trailer and begin to walk up a hill and look on to the scene from a hill. Atop the hill I notice the sky darken a bit. I lie there for some time, but hear nothing come from the trailer. I then stand and begin to walk away. I feel tense. I turn and see Bey following me. This is not Bey. This time, his eyes are reddened, as though he had more veins running through the whites of his eye than was humanly necessary. I continue walking. The demon walks past, staring at me with a malevolent grin on his face. He continues on ahead. I am alone. I walk along the side of a road. I don't know how long it is before I see someone coming from the distance ahead. It is not-Bey. The demon stares at me as he walks, the same grin still on his face. When he nears me, he speaks some words to me. Persuasive conjectures and a held out hand. I am filled with dread and look for something to ward him off. I find a white wire in the sand. I grasp it firmly and give it a slight tug. It is attached to something, some distance away. I hold it firmly and show it to the demon. He frowns and says some words beneath his breathe, then walks calmly away. I follow the cord for some time, eventually coming to a small town. It goes in through a wall in a building and I circle around the complex to find an entrance. When I enter it is a seemingly small warehouse of sorts. The main "garage" seems to have been converted into a demonstration room. I spot on the far wall where from the cord enters. It runs a small distance on the ground and then attaches to an individual at his neck. His neck is not normal. It looks as though he tried to swallow a boombox whole, which just stuck there as a chicken bone...only quite noticeably. No matter the awkward site of this creature/man/individual, I was comforted by his presence. I walk up to him and he says hello. He is playing some sort of game with a stick pointed at a screen a short distance from us. He invites me to play after a moment and I happily accept. I search my pockets for change. He offers to pay as I sort but I politely decline. I eventually find enough for two or so continues. I set the reserve atop the change input and put my quarters in the machine. I have trouble seeing the screen. My vision feels cloudy. The creature/man/individual instructs me to focus and relax my eyes. He instructs me to stop squinting and blink slowly. Shapes begin to take form on the screen and I begin to make out the scape of the game, but before I can really begin to play, Bey passes by me--his eyes more red than ever. I am frozen with trepidation. I look at the creature/man/individual. He looks back reassuringly. Then, Bey appears grasping the three cards in his hand and reciting some sort of incantation. The creature/man/individual screams in pain and begins to liquidate and morph before me. He "melts" into a viscous silver purple form and then flows through the air to the top of the machine, which is only about chest level to me. The mass takes the form of a chalice full of silver blood. Within also lay a rounded piece of flat bread or cracker with a stain of the silver blood running from its center into the cup. The demon laughs and begins to bellow at me in harsh tones. He beckons to me, asking me to draw near. I am frightened. yet, despite the fear I see the chalice and grab the cracker quickly. I bite into the silver-blooded flat bread. I stare maniacally at the demon and yell "AMEN"! The demon cries out and spews forth in all directions like a thin red mist. I am left in a dark room. Empty. Alone.


My younger self and My older self.

An exquisite museum made of dark mahogany. Outside it is dark. In a large room, a platform is set out before me. I am my older self. On the platform lies my younger self. With me is a middle-aged man, gray mustache and brown hair. He holds a scimitar. He instructs me to cut the feet off of my younger self. I am given a broadsword. I contemplate the situation. I refuse to cut the child. The mustachioed man grows angry. I threaten him as he threatens me. He runs out of the room hitting a switch that initiates traps. I grab my younger self from the table and wake him up. He runs to the locked door. On the platform also is a display case. Inside is a makeup of words and letter:

M Q Q () C P
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -

(Only the first row can I remember). All of the letters are physical and have both size and girth. In the () spot lies a ring on it's side. It seems as though the letter Q were turned on it's side. I read what is there and the doors open. My younger self runs out into the halls and I follow. It is a labyrinth of rooms and I search for the way out of the museum. The boy runs into the exit and the door shuts behind him. I search the halls for another way. I see the mustachioed man run into a room and I follow, sword still in hand. In the room is an arrangement of furniture. The door seals behind me and objects begin to fold and rearrange themselves. The room is shrinking and I must figure the proper arrangement of furniture before I am crushed. I manage to open a drawer, which triggers a hidden door to open along the far wall. I run into it and find myself in a courtyard where there are several tables with umbrella shades and chairs; it is as though I were at a restaurant's outdoor seating area. I see my younger self at one of the tables sipping a milkshake at one of the tables. I approach him and sit down. I feel uneasy. I have a sip of his milkshake. I fall asleep.

I wake up with a start. My friend Lucas and an other are before me. They signal me to follow and I walk through a seedy area of a city I've never been to before, yet feels strangely familiar. Lucas runs into a club that is on the right a little distance from the walkway. I follow and sit outdoors in a lounge chair as he goes inside. He addresses some woman and then I hear a slap. He comes out rubbing his cheek and goes off with the other. I watch them leave. As I turn my head toward the entrance of the club I see a tall, thin woman in a white dress, which ties behind her neck. She comes out and sits in the lounge chair next to mine. I look at her for a moment. She is very beautiful. She has dark hair and smoothly soft tan skin. She smiles at me and then brings her right arm behind her neck to untie her dress. As she stands, the dress falls to the ground and she straddles me. I try to look into her face again, but some force keeps my head pointed at her stomach. I blink and all becomes black, yet I still feel her around me. I wake with this lingering sensation.